Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Self-Stitched September

When I was browsing Andrea's New Vintage blog last month, I noticed her talking about "Me-Made-May". "Hm", I thought to myself, "What's that all about?"

Well it turns out that Zoe over at "So Zo What Do You Know" had organized online sewists and crafters for a month of wearing at least one item every day that was hand made. How cool! 

Obviously, I discovered this way too late to join in, but Zoe's at it again for the fall with Self-Stitched September, and I totally signed up.

Here's my pledge:

I, Heather, sign up as a participant of Self-Stitched-September. I endeavour to wear one or more handmade item(s) of clothing every day for the duration of September 2010.

I can't wait to see how everyone does with this!

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